
This week features the topic pick of our 3rd Place Winner of the TLDB Scavenger Hunt, Adam Laarsen! Adam's pick: Lord of the Rings Villains.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Yeah!

This blog has me occasionally drawing things that I had really never expected to draw. This week is one of those weeks. I remember the show being on when I was much younger. No. I never did watch it. The closest I've come to watching it was a music video that featured clips from the show to a pretty funny song. Anyway, here's an ink drawing of the title character from "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". Hope you enjoy it.

Oh yeah, I used a photo of a toy for reference. Haw!

"He-Man" ... ink on 9"x12" bristol board by Robert Elrod. Check out more of my work at and my free webcomic at