
This week features the topic pick of our 3rd Place Winner of the TLDB Scavenger Hunt, Adam Laarsen! Adam's pick: Lord of the Rings Villains.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

M U N S T E R l o v e

I know its been a long time since I've seen the show, but I do remember enjoying it. I must admit my knowledge of the show is limited as I haven't seen it in a while, so I just googled Munsters and found a pic I liked and drew it. I do remember thinking it was nice that Herman and Lily Munster always looked like they were a happy couple, so I guess that's why I picked the image. It's always nice when a pretty lady loves a big, dumb, Munster. :D



  1. Mr. Awesome, you are the coolest! Really digging this, my friend!!!

    Bring one of your sketchbooks to the meetup on Saturday. I'll bring some money for it (or buy you a couple of beers). :-)

    1. Thank you sir! I'm glad you dig it!

      I'll bring the sketch book, but I better not get made fun of by everybody like the last time I brought the thing. XD

  2. Way to blast the Munsters out first. Love the drawing. I can relate to the pretty girl loving the big dumb monster.

    1. I really didn't think I would be the first one to post on this topic! lol

  3. Really lovely, Don. I love the blue halo and the textured paper.

    1. Thank you Langdon. Sorry it takes me a while to get back and reply, but I have to log out of my youtube to sign on with this. Yes it is that much of a hassle...or I'm that lazy. LOL

      Anyhow I do enjoy the textured paper, I need to get a better set of colored pencils and do some more works on it.
